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La Maccarunera nasce nel 1500 come  Mulino ad acqua...

Il Vecchio Rudere torna a nuova vita!

Il simbolo del Mulino, la ruota idraulica è stata creata ex novo e riconvertita in minicentrale idroelettrica a supporto del Turismo Ecosostenibile 

The  Maccarunera dates back to 1500 as a water mill
The Ruins were brought back to life!

The symbol of the mill, its medieval wooden water wheel, has been recreated and now is used to produce green energy for the hotel to support ecotourism.
In the 1700s the Maccarunera was the industrial heart of the town, producing olive oil and hand-made pasta

Ruota Idraulica.jpg

MACCARUNERA - Piazza M. Guerriero Campagna (SA) - Tel. 0828 47466

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